Sunday 29 May 2016

Why Teams should be formed?


Today's working environment is more team oriented. You can see even in colleges and universities most of the assignments and projects are to be done in teams in order to prepare young teens with good team working skills so that in their career they won't face any difficulty. All the teams are shaped to achieve a particular objective. Organizations wants to perform well at very less cost and the reasons why they form teams are as follow:

1. Faster Response:
At some point when immediate action is required regarding any issue or to solve a problem, groups can act more quickly than individuals.

2. Better Response: 
Decisions made within groups have more accuracy and are more effective because each group member gives different ideas and viewpoints.

3. Increases Productivity: 
Team members often take the steps that are beneficial and can easily involves chances to improve efficiency of the business. Each member of the team suggest different ideas according to their experience level

4. Improves Employees Morale:
When an employee works in a group, automatically his morale boosts up. By observing that their team members are performing well, they also intend to do so.

5. Reduces risks for individuals:
For Decision making whole team is responsible. Thus, it reduces the possibility of risk for an individual.

6. Establish new problem solving ideas: 
Working in group can help an organization to have new problem solving ideas because there will be brainstorming session among team members regarding problem and then best idea will be selected to solve that issue.


Mary Ellen Guffey, Kathleen Rhodes & Patricia Rogin. (2011). Why Teams should be formed ?   in K. R. Mary Ellen Guffey, Business Communication: Process & Product (5th Canadian Ed.). ON: Nelson.

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